Enllaces rápidos
Published 30/1/13
An error occurred while processing the template.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> enlacex.texto [in template "38642#38670#889469" at line 73, column 101] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: ${enlacex.texto.getData()} [in template "38642#38670#889469" at line 73, column 99] ----
1<#assign date=.vars["reserved-article-display-date"].data />
2<#assign dateFormatted = journalTool.getDateFormat(date, "dd MMMM yyyy", locale, timezone)>
4<div class="novedad mt-3">
5 <h3>${titulo.getData()}</h3>
7 <div class="date-wrapper text-metadata mb-3 mt-4">
8 <span class="icon-calendar"><span class="hide-accessible"><@liferay.language key="date" /></span> </span><span class="date">${dateFormatted}</span>
9 </div>
11 <div class="cabecera">
12 <#if (validator.isNotNull(resumen) && resumen.getData()?trim != "") >
13 <p class="resumen">${resumen.getData()}</p>
14 </#if>
15 </div>
17 <#if (validator.isNotNull(imagen) && validator.isNotNull(imagen.getSiblings()) && imagen.getSiblings()?size > 0) >
18 <#if (imagen.getSiblings()[0].getData()?trim != "") >
19 <div class="fotoCentro">
20 <a href="${imagen.getSiblings()[0].getData()}" rel="prettyPhoto[gal_noticia]">
21 <img alt="${imagen.getSiblings()[0].textoAlternativo.getData()}" src="${imagen.getSiblings()[0].getData()}" title="${imagen.getSiblings()[0].textoAlternativo.getData()}"/>
22 </a>
23 </div>
24 </#if>
25 </#if>
27 <div class="cuerpo">
28 <#if (contenido.getData()?trim != "") >
29 <div class="contenido">${contenido.getData()}</div>
30 </#if>
32 <#if (validator.isNotNull(imagen) && validator.isNotNull(imagen.getSiblings()) && imagen.getSiblings()?size > 1) >
33 <#if (imagen.getSiblings()[1].getData()?trim != "") >
34 <div class="imagenes">
35 <h4>${languageUtil.get(locale,"portaleswebuniovi.imagenes")}:</h4>
36 <ul>
37 <#assign indice = 0 >
38 <#list imagen.getSiblings() as imagenx >
39 <#if (indice >= 1) >
40 <li>
41 <a href="${imagen.getSiblings()[indice].getData()}" rel="prettyPhoto[gal_noticia]">
42 <img alt="${imagen.getSiblings()[indice].textoAlternativo.getData()}" src="${imagen.getSiblings()[indice].getData()}" title="${imagen.getSiblings()[indice].textoAlternativo.getData()}" />
43 </a>
44 </li>
45 </#if>
47 <#assign indice = indice + 1 >
48 </#list>
49 </ul>
50 </div>
51 </#if>
52 </#if>
54 <div class="documentos">
55 <#if (validator.isNotNull(documento) && validator.isNotNull(documento.getSiblings()) && documento.getSiblings()[0].getData()?trim != "") >
56 <h4>${languageUtil.get(locale,"portaleswebuniovi.documentos_relacionados")}:</h4>
57 <ul>
58 <#list documento.getSiblings() as documentox >
59 <li>
60 <a href="${htmlUtil.escape(documentox.getData())}" title="${documentox.texto.getData()}">${documentox.texto.getData()}</a>
61 </li>
62 </#list>
63 </ul>
64 </#if>
65 </div>
67 <div class="enlaces">
68 <#if (validator.isNotNull(enlace) && validator.isNotNull(enlace.getSiblings()) && enlace.getSiblings()[0].getData()?trim != "") >
69 <h4>${languageUtil.get(locale,"portaleswebuniovi.enlaces_relacionados")}:</h4>
70 <ul>
71 <#if (enlace.getSiblings()[0].getData()?trim != "") >
72 <#list enlace.getSiblings() as enlacex >
73 <li><a href="${enlacex.getData()}" title="${enlacex.texto.getData()}">${enlacex.texto.getData()}</a></li>
74 </#list>
75 </#if>
76 </ul>
77 </#if>
78 </div>
79 </div>